How do I cancel my subscription?


We are really sorry that you no longer wish to be part of our community.

However, if you're determined to cancel your subscription, it may be cancelled by users themselves in the 'User Account' on our website or upon making a request to our support team via email address

In order to cancel the subscription in the 'User Account’, please follow the instructions below:

1. Open this link;

2. Сhoose the ‘Log In’ option as shown below:

3. Enter your account details: 

email: the email address you used during the purchase

password: the password you set.

4. Then open the ‘Account Settings’ tab and tap on the ‘Subscription’ section:

5. In the ‘Subscription’ section you'll find a full list of your subscriptions and will be able to cancel those.

Please note that the cancellation should be carried out at least 24 hours before the next billing cycle.